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cFloat App is part of your cFloat product, cFloat or cFloat home.

Through this App you will have access to the data collected by the cFloat Buoy and the cFloat Gateway in real time. 


The cFloat App is free and available for iOS (including Apple Watch), Apple TV and Android.


Google play icon
App Store icon
cFloat App main screen


The ‘Monitoring’ menu option allows you to see the measurements recorded by the buoy from the pool water and the surrounding environment, as well as the indoor measurements recorded by the gateway inside your home.


2. Charts

The 'Charts' option allows you to see daily, weekly or monthly historical data.

cFloat App - charts

3. Notifications

Configure and receive notifications anytime and anywhere.

cFloat App - notifications

4. Fun with cFloat

You can have extra fun in your pool measuring the size of cannonballs and the quality of dives.


cFloat App - fun with cFloat game
cFloat APP - fun with cFloat game
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